CommitteesCommittees are an excellent way for our members to engage with the association. The executive committee and board look to committees to conduct thoughtful analysis on specific issues and present recommendations for the organization as a whole. The committees are responsible for some of most innovative programs and serve to pair board members with association members for joint decision-making. If you would like to join one of our committees or task forces, please e-mail the central office at [email protected] or call 509-489-4641 and we will connect you with that committee’s chair. Membership Development CommitteeThe goals for the Membership/Development Committee of the Washington Rural Health Association are to increase awareness of the Washington Rural Health Association and promote Washington Rural Health Association to prospective members, be they individual, sponsor, or organization. Members of this committee are from the board and the general membership. This committee contacts non-renewing members, seeks out new members, and develops member benefits. Interested in joining Membership Development Committee? Click Here. Finance CommitteeThe Finance Committee assists the Treasurer in developing an annual budget, reviews disbursements, makes recommendations to the Board with regard to expenditures, seeks, develops, and manages additional revenue, and develops appropriate recommendations to the Board for long-term financing of the Association. Interested in joining this Finance Committee? Click Here. Legislative CommitteeThe majority of the Legislative Committee’s activity takes place during the legislative session. This committee reviews and approves the Bill Tracking Report, contributes to the list of bills to be tracked, and is responsible for legislative event planning. Interested in joining Legislative Committee? Click Here. Bylaws CommitteeThe bylaws taskforce is headed by the president-elect and meets every two years to review the bylaws. Interested in joining Bylaws Committee? Click Here. Communications CommitteeThe communications committee is responsible for coordinating WRHA publications and electronic media, to include the electronic newsletter. Interested in joining Communications Committee? Click Here. Awards CommitteeThe awards task force meets each year to select award winners coordinate the awards ceremony, generally once in February. Interested in joining Awards Committee? Click Here.